A. 8011 3105 aluminum coil strip arrives at the closure manufacturing plant in large coils.
C. Lacquer is applied to the side of the sheet that will become the internal surfaces of the finished closure and print is applied to the external surface.
E. The sheet is fed through a cupping press, which blanks and draws the meal into shallow cups.
F. In sequencial press operations the blank and first draw produced in the cupping press is converted into 1st and 2nd redraws to achieve the finished depth of the closure.
G. The 2nd redraw has knurling and a tamper evident feature added as required. The skirt may be long or short, to suit the design requirements. 【Aluminum ropp cap closure】
H. A wad or liquid sealant is applied inside the top of the closure to aid sealing to the top of the container and, where necessary, to protect the metal from the product held in the container.
I. After the smooth sided closure is fitted over the top of the filled container, a rubber roller presss around the outside of the closure to force the soft metals to take up the thread form in the neck of the container.【Aluminum ropp cap closure】